When trying to import a MySQL dump or SLQ file into a database through
web based tools you may have difficulty due to the size of the SQL
file being imported. It is recommended to use SSH to import your MySQL
SQL file. Simply login to your account usin...
Exporting or backing up a MySQL database can be done either via the
cPanel using the Backup utilities or more preferably via SSH using the
folloiwng Command. Using SSH to perform the MySQL export or "dump" is
much more convenient and less prone to timeout...
If you ever forget your username and/or password to access the backend
of Magento, and the "forgot your password" link isn't mailing you your
information, you can easily update the password like so:
* Open up PHPMYADMIN by accessing your site's cPanel...
There are numerous ways to setup multiple Magento stores that all
share the same codebase and backend, but what method you use depends
on your needs.
This article is written with cPanel in mind, though the methodologies
listed below apply no matter what...
The importance of properly maintainng your Magento database can not be
understated. Magento has several log tables that will continuously
grow over time grinding your site to a halt and dramaticically
effecting the speed and performance of your Magento in...
The best way to test out a new Magento release without potentially
destroying your production store is to setup a staging area.
A staging area is a duplicate of your primary store that you can use
to see if the upgrade process will go smoothly, and also...
To reset the file and directory permissions for Magento back to their
default and secure permissions, run the following commands from the
directory where Magento is installed:
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
If you've moved Magento to another directory
setup a staging store
or have completely changed the URL for your st...
While Crucial can usually provide you with an SSL certificate for much
less expense & include automated installation due to our partner
relationships with a variety of SSL providers, if you plan on
purchasing an SSL certificate from a third-party, here is...
It's easy to use any version of PHP!
You have the ability to use PHP - 7.x, 5.6.x , 5.5.x , 5.4.x , 5.3.x &
5.2.x - However you can not change the servers default version of PHP
if you are a Shared Hosing Client. Split-Dedicated clients have full
As a web designer or developer, it is important to know how to use the
htaccess file to your advantage. It is a very powerful tool, and can
even work as a deterrent for bandwidth thieves, exploits, and hackers.
Below are some common examples of rules to c...
One of the questions we get from time to time is "why is my site
running slow" or "it normally runs great, but then something will
happen and the site dies." It's a frustrating problem and one that can
often be difficult to diagnose.
You have a tool in ...
To update your credit card you would just need to log into your
account center ( https://www.crucialwebhost.com/account/
[https://www.crucialwebhost.com/account/] ) and look for the My Fiance
tab at the top and click the Update CC option.
Lots of browse...
We're very sorry to hear you wish to close this account.
Is there any certain problem that you are having with our service? We
are certain that we can be of assistance in getting any issue
resolved. If the issue is something you would rather have direct...
We have setup some functionality within the cPanel to easily use the
HDD drive space included with your Split-Dedicated Server. You can
setup a directory to use the HDD drives when logged into cPanel and
clicking the "Manage HDD Usage" option under the fi...
Once a website is hacked, there is never going to be a way for you to
be 100% certain you have cleaned every file unless you physically
examine every file on your account, line by line, function by
function. This is an incredibly tedious task as you can i...
You can enable and disable (for security reasons) SSH via your cPanel.
Simply login to cPanel and under "Security" click "Toggle SSH Access"
and this will enable/disable SSH.
We provide very limited email support as a performance web hosting
Using a web server for email services is not advised, as many web
hosting servers are blacklisted as sources of SPAM, and the resources
used by email service can significantly ...
Sometimes you just don't want a certain person (or bot) accessing your
website at all. One simple way to block them is to ban their IP
address in your .htaccess file:
order allow,deny
deny from
deny from
deny from
To prevent directory browsing on your website just add this line to
your .htacess file.
Options -Indexes
There may be all sorts of reasons you want directory browsing enabled.
But, to disable it just add the above line to the public_html/.haccess
file ...
On occassion you may see a PHP memory allocation error. This is due to
a PHP script trying to use more memory than has been made available to
You can easily adjust your PHP Memory Limit by adding or modifying the
following line in your .htaccess fi...
If you have been redirected to this page please read this important
As we previously announced
on multiple occassions, a major exploit now coined "ShopLift" h...
Split-Shared hosting accounts are allowed 100 outbound emails per
Split-Dedicated hosting accounts are allowed 500 outbound emails per
Limitations are placedo on outgoing email to prevent our servers from
sending spam either intentionally ...
All accounts include webmail access. You can access your domains
webmail via your web browser by simply visiting the following URL.
(Replace "your-domain.com" with your domain nam...
Our DNS Nameservers are:
We provide three nameservers for extra redundancy in DNS. You should
use all three when setting up your DNS nameservers with your domain
Yes, every server has mod_rewrite enabled.
This is the default configuration for all of our hosting platforms and
there is nothing special you need to do other than create rules in
your .htaccess to use mod_rewrite.
We are often asked for log files for a website from a few days or
weeks ago so the client can review the raw logs of HTTP requests or
FTP actions. We provide access to both current and historical log
files. You can access your log files via your cPanel ac...
If you are trying to log in and your password is not working correctly
you can quickly reset your password from the login form.
Your bill...
If you have never had HTTPS on your site, you will undoubtedly run
into an issue with how your site assets are loaded. By assets I'm
referring to things like images, JavaScript, and even your CSS; by
default, they are often configured to load over HTTP. I...
Clients are 100% responsible for their own backups.
Crucial maintains daily backups for all managed hosting clients for
disaster recovery and business continuity. These internal backups are
not intended for client use and there is a $150 service fee to ...