Changing your version of PHP
Posted by Rick G. on 02 May 2015 12:20 PM
It's easy to use any version of PHP! You have the ability to use PHP - 7.x, 5.6.x , 5.5.x , 5.4.x , 5.3.x & 5.2.x - However you can not change the servers default version of PHP if you are a Shared Hosing Client. Split-Dedicated clients have full control of their PHP server version, configuration and Extensions. Please see the following article for a detailed explanation of how to use and manage different versions of PHP on the same web hosting account. Split-Dedicated clients will find a feature called "PHP Config" in the cPanel. You can use this utility to manage your servers version of PHP, modify your master php.ini file and enable & disable common PHP extensions such as OAuth, XDebug and several others. We recommend you view our demonstration screencast at the following URL for a complete introduction to this new feature rich PHP configuration utility available to Split-Dedicated clients. You can view the screencast at the following URL. | |